M. A.

The department welcomes MA applicants considering further studies at the Ph.D. level, as well as those with more applied interests who are looking to improve their analytical and computational skills. Applications to the MA in Economics are only accepted in the spring semester and students are enrolled in the fall semesters.

Each year, some 25 students from diverse educational backgrounds are enrolled in the program. About half have an undergraduate degree in economics, and half have completed an undergraduate program at Boğaziçi University.

Among the recent graduates of the M.A. program, about half of them are continuing with their studies at prestigious Ph.D. programs in US and Europe. A list of the recent placements in graduate schools is available here. Remaining graduates are either employed in organizations such as the Central Bank of Turkey, the Turkish Treasury, or other financial institutions and private sector companies.

For a more detailed description of the program, the curriculum and the application procedure, please follow the links below. You can find the answers to frequently asked questions under the FAQ tab. For any other inquiries about the program, you may contact the graduate coordinator at econgrad@boun.edu.tr.